Homecoming festivities
It was Homecoming for Clemson and boy oh boy did we get to experience things firsthand. Tickets were going for about 200 bucks but I don't think they were necessary to get the feeling of Homecoming. For starters, on the way to the stadium, a frat boy stumbled and tripped over a chain fence. I mean it was dark, I'll give him that. The problem was that we're pretty sure he was shicks kabobed on the way down. Amazingly, he stood right as if he oculdn't feel a thing. Hmmmm.
Then we stood right outside the gate where the players enter. Wow, I'm not sure I have heard such inane words uttered. Otherwise respectable young women squealing, "I can't believe I'm going to be this close to the football players." And strapping young men claiming that they were going to sneak in amid the 50 cops that guard the gate. Anyway, it was a fun time had by all and really gave Ellie a good first college football experience.
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