Happily Ever After. . .

The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!

Friday, December 05, 2008

Blue Santa Parade! Tivon was so excited about going to the Austin holiday parade.He LOVED the big balloons . . .
And was practically giddy with excitement to see Star Wars characters, Elmo, Chinese dragons and of course marching bands. He seriously marched right along with ALL the bands.

This is his "surprise" face. He had actually been surprised by seeing Darth Vader and I missed it on camera so I asked him to do it again. This is the face I got. :)

This is the Biscuit Brothers. Tivon loves their music and quite honestly, so do we! They are a local band that plays on PBS and around town. We try to catch them whenever we can.

Here's the Blue Santa--pretty cool because it was all about giving toys. So at one point in the parade, all the floats stopped and all the parade goers walked over to pickup trucks and filled them with toys. Pretty cool idea.


Blogger Tracy said...

Wow! What a great idea to give toys like that!

1:00 PM, December 09, 2008  

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