Happily Ever After. . .

The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Did I have twins?!?

So I was singing to Tivon, "It's time to change your diaper, diaper, diaper. . ." you know how the song goes and I walked into his room. Something caught my eye. There was another baby in the crib. Yes, you read that correctly. For a moment, I thought I might not have Tivon in my arms. Then I thought, no, this is Tivon. Then in a flash, I thought, "did someone leave a baby here?" I know neither of these are rational thoughts but it is also not rational to have another baby in the crib. Although all of this happened in split second time, it seemed like a life long quest to solve the mystery of the extra baby.

When I peered into the crib, I saw Josh's cabbage patch kid Winston swaddled in Tivon's blanket. I mean, I laughed nonstop for hours. Okay maybe not nonstop, but it has been three days and I'm still getting a good laugh out of the ordeal.

By the way, when I told Josh my reaction, he was very pleased with himself.


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