Happily Ever After. . .

The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mid Week Vacation
So Josh has been working crazy hours lately. When I say crazy, I mean "a la NYC" crazy. He goes in at 7 and comes home at 7 but then after Tivon's bath, he works from home until 2 ish. So all this equates to little quality time with ti ti and me. Sooo, I was pleasantly surprised when Josh decided to work from home this morning. He got up early to get a jump start before Tivon was awake. Then Tivon and I played in the neighborhood with Wilson while Tivon wore his Santa Claus pajamas and darth vader slippers--missed that photo opportunity! He may forever be known as "Darth Claus" now.
Finally Josh decided an early lunch was in order. Where else to take a lunch break but Deep Eddy pool? The pool is in the background--like the infamous Barton Springs, Deep Eddy is a spring filled pool--no nasty chlorine. Tivon is saying "geese" in the picture.

The first time we took Tivon to the pool he screamed and wouldn't get in so this time I came armed with toys: balls, duck, cars, and squid. This worked like a charm. It was hard to get him out of the pool. He likes to drop things in the drainage ditch and watch it float.

And what is a lunch break without lunch? We stopped at a local taco joint that is operated out of an airstream trailer. Tivon LOVED the spicy queso on homemade chips. This boy loves him some spicy--definitely doesn't have Indiana taste buds. :) Our little outing felt like a vacation!


Blogger Tracy said...

Awww. What a fun family day! Guess what?! My husband is interviewing for a job in NYC...yikes!

2:14 AM, May 23, 2008  

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