Well, we had quite the shindig for little ti man. Grandparents, family and friends came from far and near to celebrate his two years. Josh calls Tivon "lil monkey" and Tivon loves monkeys so we opted for a monkey theme albeit a simple idea that took a little creativity to execute. I had a great time figuring out a healthier cupcake--they weren't like eating carrots, mind you, but better than pure sugar and candy. :)
As I am trying to live a "greener" life, we chose an outdoor locale so no decorations were needed (and no extra cleaning at the house too!). We had the party at the sprinkler park which has timed fountains and mini pools to play in for the dog days of summer.
Oh, we also did a "no gifts" policy of which grandparents broke but I guess that's the joy of being a grandparent!
Olivia helps Tivon blow out the candles.
More pool time with friends.
We've discovered Tivon is more of a blues kind of musician. He now takes his "monica" everywhere with him.

Appropriately, we ended the month long birthday vacation and celebration with a train ride thin Zilker park. Tivon says, "Much peace to my peeps."
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