Chrisis coocoo's
Well, I thought we could start a tradition of making Christmas cookies and taking them to the neghbors. I should have considered my aptitude, or should I say inaptitude for making cookies.
First, I don't keep "regular" flour in our house. I make our bread and are used to wheat or white whole wheat flour--surely this is the same as plain white flour? Then I attempted to mix our cookies with a mixer that is missing one of the whisky things. That doesn't work so well. I tried to hand mix them with a fork. Again, a losing battle. But at least Tivon could "stir" too. So the dough did not look that good but I thought, hey, it's butter and sugar, what could be wrong?
So we continued. We chilled the dough and then Ti and I rolled it out. This actually went relatively well. Good mama/titi time. We cut out snowmen shapes. Very cute. Then baked them. Finally it was time for icing them. I had purchased this icing a week ago in anticipation.
In my defense, it does say "Vanilla Frosting". Doesn't that mean white? I thought the picture of green icing was showing the potential of making many colors of icing. Nope. It was green icing. So here's a picture of our pathetic green snowmen. There actually kinda creepy looking. Oh, btw, they don't taste very good either.
So we may need to think of a new tradition.
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