Happily Ever After. . .

The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Words, words, words
Tivon's vocabulary is growing by the minute. He talks about his friends, "Isis" for Wilson, "Yuh" for Olivia and "Buby" for Ruby. He loves "woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo" and "broom, broom, broom, broom, broom". His manners are impeccable with "pwace" for please and "doo doo" for thank you. He "wuvs oma and dada" and likes to talk to "papaw" and "ana". He often repeats a word over and over and over again until someone acknowledges/confirms what he is saying. So my vocabulary now exists of "yes, a train" and "yes, we played with Wilson today" and "yes that's a picture of Nana". Part of me thinks this is adorable and treasures this phase of learning and then part of me thinks I might go insane from listening to the broken record.

Today I was explaining to Karen (our friend and babysitter) about his nap time ritual. I said, "Now he may want to read a couple of books." She said, "Does it matter which ones?" I replied, "Well, he'll probably ask for a specific one. This one is 'hop, hop'; this book is 'broom, broom'; this book is 'oops' and this book is 'arf, arf'. He has names for almost all of his books."

Hmmm, I thought, it might be time to create a dictionary entitled, "The world according to Tivon."


Blogger Tracy said...

Hi Bridget,

Two of my friends from CA (a couple, actually, from church) are moving to Austin. I'm gonna give you each others' info, if that's okay.

7:33 PM, June 23, 2008  

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