Happily Ever After. . .

The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!

Friday, January 30, 2009

So we can be cheap sometimes--Josh found this bike on a trail when he was out running. It was broken but he thought he could fix it. So he did and we gave this to Tivon for his birthday BUT his legs weren't long enough to ride it. Sooo, we hid it away for six months and whalah--we already had his Christmas present. In the picture, we asked ti to show his "surprise" face.

For those of you that think this boy has every been neglected with not enough toys or clothes, well, here's his stash from this year's Christmas. We proceeded to do a MAJOR clean out to donate to goodwill. I mean, our house is HUGE compared to NYC but still, it's only 870 sq ft. :)


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