A Tensegrity Climbing Structure
Don't ask me to explain how this works--something about everything being in tension and compression at the same time. But Josh has been obsessed with creating a climbing gym for Tivon. Personally, I think it was a bit of an excuse to "play" with some ideas. Of course we could have bought something (clearly, not as cool) for much cheaper, but that's not the point. :) Here's the climbing gym hanging in Josh's workshop area. Tivon of course is helping as Bob the Builder.
Here are all the peices. Pretty simple concept, not so many materials but man, what a price tag. Here's Tivon pushing the gym into place, before Josh removes the braces.Here's the final prodcut. It really is pretty cool--no rod touches another rod, it's all head together by a steel cable. Josh is looking forward to doing the final touches this weekend so Josh, I mean Tivon can play on it.
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