We had a whirlwind weekend with the Kigers down from McKinney (just outside of Dallas). Oh how the kids have changed and grown! Except Tivon who still can't seem to understand "pretty smile".
They rolled into town on Friday and we immediately hit the park with fountains to play in. What a blast! Soaking wet, we went to one of our favorite restaurants Freddie's. It has an outdoor play area and great, cheap food. What more could we ask for?

That night, all the Kigers piled into Tivon's room and Tivon slept in his pack n play in our room. Tivon made it his duty to let me know when it was 3 am, then 4 am, 6 am and finally 7 am. How lucky to have such a good alarm clock! Needless to say, I was dragging a bit on Saturday but that didn't stop us. We took a hike up to Mt. Bonnell--one of my favorite spots in Austin. You can see the river, the city and the hill country. We didnt' have our camera (dang it!) but here's a picture from the archives when mom visited a few years ago.

Then we came back to our house and had a picnic which Julia responded, "this is the best picnic ever!" After the boys had their naps, we went to a neighbor's Easter party--always good to meet more neighbors. This is seriously the friendliest neighborhood we've ever lived in.
That night we went to probably our most favorite place (and it's ranked on Brian's list too!) of best places to eat. It's Polvos--if you've visited us in Austin, I'm sure we've taken you there. It's lost some of its charm as it has become very popular but the eats are still scrumptious.
I forgot to mention that at this point, we've already been to Amy's ice cream TWICE. And yes, there would be two more times. It might be a favorite.
On Easter, we went to the Methodist church that our friends Lara and Bert attend. It was a beautiful service ending with the Hallelujah Chorus. Then everybody came over to our house for lunch and easter egg hunting. Debbie, I mean, the Easter Bunny was very good to Tivon this year. We've been practicing hunting for eggs so he knew exactly what to do--wait for the big kids to get all the eggs and then pull the "I'm just a baby" card and steal their eggs.

I love Tivon's "smile" face!
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