Happily Ever After. . .

The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Tivon @ 2 months. Don't be fooled. He's rarely not serious. This only happens right after he's eaten. Yumm Mum!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

If you hadn't noticed, Ti's eyes are always open. That's true even when we aren't visiting the grandparents. He's sleeping at night pretty well now that we have his dairy allergy under control. We'll be taking ti's 2 month picture this week and will get it up soon!

The Great Grandparents (josh's side) Finis and Minnie also known as Crazyhorse and Bud.

I mean could this boy be any cuter? Colton looks like his mama but wants the laughs like his papa!

Here's Landon (left) and Tivon (right). Obviously Ti has some growing to do. Landon is just 5 weeks older but about 7 pounds bigger!

Kissing cousins. Apparently Tivon isn't down with that.

First Visit to Grandparents!

We had a wonderful weekend in OH and IN visiting grandparents. Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure.

Tivon loves his Papaw Lee!