Happily Ever After. . .

The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!

Friday, February 02, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Great Grandma Apple is 94 today and Tivon wanted to say, "hello" and send his best wishes for a wonderful day.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tivon took this opportunity to build a snowman and touch the ice on the trees. Good thing we got to use the snowsuit before spring gets here! It's supposed to be back in the 50's by Saturday. Just the way we like it. A little token snow and then off to the blooming days of spring.

I awoke to the pittper patter of freezing rain on the roof. Yes, we live in SC and we got 3 inches of snow! Since this is a relatively rare occurance here, everything is closed. The television weather team is beside themselves with excitement. "Winter storm" is flashing with pictures of snowflakes--because the actual snow stopped about 3 hours ago. Now it's just raining, not even freezing rain. All regularly scheduled programming has been preempted so that the news can show pictures of the snow melting and one truck that slid off the road. Oh the joys of living in the south where people wear fur hats with flaps when it is 32 degrees outside (not kidding, just saw one on tv).

We caught Tivon playing in his pack and play with his new toy. It appears as though he was cooking up some sort of mischievous act.
I wish you could hear him click. Yes, I said click. He is reaching way back to some African roots and has started a clicking language all his own. He grins from ear to ear when I click back to him. It's like we have a moment of connection, really communicating. Of course, for all I know, I may be saying, "Sure you can eat chocolate chip cookies for dinner."

Grrrrrr . . . So he's quickly becoming a Clemson Tiger or a Northwestern Wildcat. Either way, we can't afford the tuition. Keep dreaming, buddy, keep dreaming.

We thought it was high time to introduce Tivon to the sweet nectar of life: wine.
We spent last Saturday in Asheville, NC at the Biltmore Estate. They have a winery on site and wine tasting. We then ate at the Laughing Seed, a veagan restaurant in downtown Ahseville. It was sooo great to not worry about the dairy in the food and it was sooo yummy!

I mean, can you hear him rolling his eyes at me? I'm seeing the teenage years flash before my eyes. What a fun adventure this is going to be!

It's bath time! Tivon LOVES bath time now. We still use the baby bath tub still so he can sit up by himself; however, we need to move it into the big bath tub. Tivon learned how to make a splash. Needless to say, Josh, Tivon, Shalosh and I were all soaked after the last bath. :)