Happily Ever After. . .

The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!

Friday, August 31, 2007

We were thrilled that both sets of parents, Tamme, Sean, Landon, Brandon, Aunt Gretchen and new friends Chaly and Fred we able to celebrate Tivon's 1st Birthday with us in Central Park! It was a beautiful day and there is a huge playground with a waterscape at the south end. Surprisingly, Tivon likes cupcakes. Whodathunkit?

What's a blog without a little nakedness?
In preparation for his first birthday, we thought it appropriate to show you his birthday suit. The kid's got a crazy long torso and short stubby legs right now but we still love him. Josh is hoping it's a good body type for hockey.
He loves bathtime and is facinated with adjusting the faucets--unfortunately it's usually the hot one.

Tivon's too cool for school (and a bit of a ham too).

Lunch time! Tivon has an odd list of meal time favorites including: many varieties of fish, peanut noodles, hummus, filafel, meatloaf, spinach pancakes, steamed mussels, black beans spiced with cumin, and bagels with olive oil. Some days he is a picky eater but most of the time, we have to be picky because of his allergies. He is definitely still allergic to dairy and soy so no ice cream. We have discovered a yummy summer treat--mango gelado. It's basically ice, fruit and sweetner but it does the trick on those hot dog days of summer.

As I was looking for apartments everyday, Tivon felt as though he needed a job too. He decided that rearranging Gretchen's cabinets was suitable. He would take everything out and then put it back, meticulously looking at each item. Pretty cute, I must say.

Not kidding this apartment was a serious consideration for us. Yes, I know there are pipes and wires hanging out of the walls, but some times you have to make sacrifices. Did I mention that this was $1600 a month?

So I'm pretty sure you are going to want to watch this video of Tivon. Once we arrived at Aunt Gretchen's in NYC, Josh put together Tivon's crib so he could sleep in it that night. He hadn't seen his crib for almost two weeks. Needless to say, he was a little excited.


Sooooo, after hours and hours of packing/moving, we loaded up the family (all of us in the front seat of a moving truck including Shalosh) and headed for NYC by way of IN. Yes, this is not exactly en route but we wanted to see family and more importantly needed to dump alot of our stuff. :)

This is a pic of Tivon at the Lee's house wearing Josh's newborn outfit. I have some issues with this. First of all . . . really? A cowboy for a newborn. Second of all . . . really? It's gingham with cutesie panties. I'm surprised there weren't ruffles. And lastly . . . seriously. Josh must have been a gargantuan baby. This fits Tivon (sort of) and he is 10 months old!

So as if raising a kid isn't exciting enough, we decided to really spice things up and move to NYC. While we packed up all of our stuff--sorting into need for the next two weeks, storage in NYC, storage in IN and give away--Tivon sat in our boxes and ate bagels. It was really a beautiful set up.

Thank goodness for friends helping us on moving day. What we thought would take a couple of hours, ended up going into the wee hours of the morning and then more the next day. THis meant that we had already packed our bed and all of our essentials. We're real smart that way.

Yay! WE HAVE THE INTERNET AGAIN!!! I had no idea how addicted, I mean, needed, I mean, enjoyed having the internet.

When we last left off, we were living in idyllic Clemson; Tivon was learning to crawl and we were both employed at the University.

A few things have changed since then. . .