Happily Ever After. . .
The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tivon has hit toddler-dom it seems --including being very decisive about what he wears. We were getting ready to go to a kids concert Sunday and he insisted that he wear his doggy ears and tail. So Josh and Ti had a little chat on the curb while I packed up our stuff (and took a picture). BTW, Tivon wore the tail all the way through the concert.
Back to Exercising
I gave myself a challenge: exercise (and I mean really exercise, cooking dinner does not count even if you break a sweat) everyday for 2 weeks and see what happens. So I've been running, doing push ups and sit ups and doing Taebo (my exercise video of choice). Here's a summary of what has happened.
At the end of week one:
I felt better
Gained a POUND!
And was mad at all the stroller mamas who pass me while I'm running
Midweek two:
I'm exhausted
Still no weight gone
I hate any woman who wears spandex and looks good (as Anne Lamont says, it's an act of aggression!)
I'll get back on the scales on Saturday--not expecting miracles at this point.
Oh, and to you, the mama pushing the double stroller while running effortlessly by me, please, oh please, can you at least pretend to be a little out of breath?
At this point, I don't recommend exercising. You get sweaty, realize how out of shape you are and become VERY bitter. :) I'll let you know how the end of the experiment goes.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Vocabulary Lesson
Tivon has created quite the lexicon that only he understands and occasionally, I have the prvilege of figuring out his secret code. So far my mommy decoder ring has deciphered the following:
ho ho-peanutbutter and jelly (not sure how that one came about)
buhbuh-Uncle Brandon
nini-Aunt Whitney
oh no--oh no! (he says this whenever ANYTHING is out of order, for example, a waitor dropped a napkin and out came "oh no!" and another time, josh had sour cream on his face, and tivon screamed "oh no!!" until he wiped it off)
Of course he has a menagerie of animal sounds and people names--don't worry grandparents, he can still say mamaw and papaw, still working on Nana though.
He--wo! Bye-Bye!
Tivon discovered our little closet in the bathroom where we keep dirty laundry. He liked pushing the flap down and exclaiming, "Hewo!" and then shutting it with an equally passionate, "Bye-bye!" By the way, no, I'm not so on top of things that we don't have any laundry; I had just pulled out the HUGE pile to sort it to pretend like I'm going to do laundry tonight. We'll see how that goes. . .
Friday, April 11, 2008
Tivon started riding his bike in the house today. Then he wanted to put on a lunch bag that he found under the kitchen sink. Then he asked for his "hat" which means his helmet. I didn't know what he was up to, but I obliged and got his helmet. Then he said, "Dada!" He was acting like dada going to work. Once dada got home, he wanted to show him and needed to add dada's keys attached to his pants. This boy . . .
Keepin the LOVE alive
So I have to share. Tivon wants to make sure there is a possibility of a little sibling at some point. You see, every time we put him down to bed, he makes sure that Dada gives Mama a kiss. It's gotten to the point that he actually pushes our heads together to make sure there's a kiss. We also do the sign for "I love you" and of course, Mama and Dada better "say" I love you or Tivon will put our hands together. We have a little matchmaker on our hands.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The Eccentricities of a Toddler
So we all know by now that Tivon is eccentric so here's an update on his untoddler like behavior.
In the realm of food:
Loves roasted garlic with olive oil on pita bread (fortunately this is easy to make in the oven!)
Loves hummus
Hates chocolate chip cookies--clearly does not take after me
Loves beans--any kind, any flavoring
Loves breakfast as long as its pancakes (Uncle Sean's influence?) or French toast
Hates most fruit (I sure do hope there are essentail vitamins in jelly!)
In the realm of behavior:
Self disciplines with timeout ("Ti, I told you not to do that"; Ti goes to sit in timeout saying "no, no")
Loves hanging out in his crib ("mommy needs to take a shower"; Ti grabs a couple of toys, walks to his crib and says "up, up")
Loves hats, shoes, necklaces, all kinds of dress up
Loves to hold other toddlers' hands
Loves to run into the toddler mosh pit at singing time, dance a quick jig and then run back to mommy
Loves to hang out with big kids--mostly pretty girls :)
All in all, he's stinking hillarious. We make each other laugh quite a bit. Of course, we still have our moments but it's good to be ti's mama.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Little Ti man hasn't been eating or sleeping or being his happy go lucky self. But today that all changed. And a deep sigh of relief from mama. He slept 13 hours last night, ate 2 slices of french toast for breakfast, rice and beans for lunch, a pbj for a snack and his hamburger plus josh's hamburger for dinner (josh wasn't home in time!). Finally, he was making me laugh today. Alot. Some of the frivolity might have been brought on by the purchase we made at Target.
I promise that I did not wait more than the time it takes to shoot a picture to rescue my son. I know it looks horrible but it really wasn't that bad.
Bronchitis AND Pneumonia?!
Yep, our boy does his first sickness right. Tivon has never been sick more than 3 days (besides all the allergy business) and has never been on antibiotics . . . until now. Mom and Lin visited during mom's spring break only to be greeted by a very sick boy. I took him to the doctor and he started his first antibiotic treatment and a breathing therapy. He started feeling better the day Nana and Grandpa had to leave--needless to say, that wasn't the best plan. :(
Here's the little guy taking his breathing therapy. In the beginning, Tivon hated to have the dinosaur mask on.
But by the fourth time, he was asking to have the mask on and also giving it to his horse, his train and his car. He even liked pretending to get the medicine while watching/dancing to his favorite cartoon. I'm not so sure what they put in that medicine but it must be good. Real good.