Happily Ever After. . .

The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!

Friday, January 30, 2009

So a week ago, Josh woke up and said, "We should make Tivon's bed a big boy bed now." I said, "Um, we haven't talked about this at all. Don't you think this will freak him out. Remember, tivon takes after me." So Josh took off the side of his bed and Tivon was okay, not great, but okay. Well when nap time came, Tivon freaked out and wanted his bed "fixed". "Broken, fix it!" So I put the side back on.
Fast forward five days. We go into get tivon in the morning and he demands. "Tivon needs big boy bed. Rail off." Okay, so we did as we were commanded and voila, Tivon sleeps in a big boy bed through the night without a peep. He has figured out how to get some cars that are stored under his bed to play with in the morning before we go in. I love his sheepish, prideful look as we discover that he is playing with something in his bed. Dang cute.

A Tensegrity Climbing Structure
Don't ask me to explain how this works--something about everything being in tension and compression at the same time. But Josh has been obsessed with creating a climbing gym for Tivon. Personally, I think it was a bit of an excuse to "play" with some ideas. Of course we could have bought something (clearly, not as cool) for much cheaper, but that's not the point. :) Here's the climbing gym hanging in Josh's workshop area. Tivon of course is helping as Bob the Builder.
Here are all the peices. Pretty simple concept, not so many materials but man, what a price tag. Here's Tivon pushing the gym into place, before Josh removes the braces.Here's the final prodcut. It really is pretty cool--no rod touches another rod, it's all head together by a steel cable. Josh is looking forward to doing the final touches this weekend so Josh, I mean Tivon can play on it.

Making his daddy proud . . . yoda costume, light saber in hand, fast asleep on his anakin pillow.

So we can be cheap sometimes--Josh found this bike on a trail when he was out running. It was broken but he thought he could fix it. So he did and we gave this to Tivon for his birthday BUT his legs weren't long enough to ride it. Sooo, we hid it away for six months and whalah--we already had his Christmas present. In the picture, we asked ti to show his "surprise" face.

For those of you that think this boy has every been neglected with not enough toys or clothes, well, here's his stash from this year's Christmas. We proceeded to do a MAJOR clean out to donate to goodwill. I mean, our house is HUGE compared to NYC but still, it's only 870 sq ft. :)

Then we headed over to nana and grandpa's house for family and fun. Word has gotten out that Tivon loves to dress up like a fireman--so there were a few fire-themed gifts heading his way. He also enjoyed making everyone "Stop, drop and roll!"You can't really see the ears and eyes on the towel but it is a froggy and tivon fully embodies the froggy every time we are done with bath time. The first night we were back in Austin and took a bath, Tivon pulled the towel off his hook, hugged the towel and said, "I LOVE it!" Very cute.

We had a fabulous, whirlwind Christmas in Indiana. We got to spend some quality time with most of our family. Tivon loved hanging with his cousins--he also loved riding a horse as a reindeer. Not sure why that makes sense but hey, this is clearly a boy who loves anything more if it involves a costume.
This couldn't have been more fun for Landon and Tivon! Josh prepared a bubble bath in grandma and papaw's bath. Then for a little fun, he turned on the water jets (which, btw, your not supposed to do!) and the bubble machine began. They were COVERED in bubbles and laughed non stop for an hour. I'm not we can ever top this bath time!