Happily Ever After. . .
The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
Please, oh please forgive me! I did not mean to start a food chain revolution. I now realize the error in speaking so flippantly in my last post. I did not know the power of my words.
As I was getting ready for bed with an ever watchful eye, I saw the first of two deaths for the evening. The lizard met his demise at the evil paw of Shalosh in our bedroom. The other death was the cockroach in our living room. A human hand and a can of Raid took care of it. Now to battle the ants.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Leapin Lizards!
So we're having a food chain experiment in the house. We've been infested with ants, roaches and lizards. Shouldn't it follow that Shalosh eats the lizards who eat the roaches who eat the ants? Apparently this logic is not panning out. I spent 30 mintes the other day with a cardboard flap "guiding" the lizard to the door. Shalosh steps on the roaches but doesn't completely kill them so it's just toture. Shalosh also plays with the lizards and takes them to our bedroom. Won't that be pleasant when one of us wakes up with a lizard on our face. Finally the ants. Nobody takes care of the ants except the exterminator and he wasn't so successful. Maybe the problem is that the roaches are in the living room; the ants are in the bathroom; and the lizards are in the kitchen. We need to get everyone together and see what happens.
Happy Halloween!
Tivon made a pretty cute kitty cat or bulldog (depending who you asked). After walking down town, we greeted trick or treaters at our house. We were a little disappointed with the turnout until Josh pointed out that we had more trick or treaters than at my parents' house ever had (adding up all 30 some years!)
As soon as everyone arrived, I knew something was arry with Ti. He must have been intimidated by his bruiser cousin Landon. :) Ti had a growth spurt on the spot as reflected in this pic. Okay, maybe this is distorted a bit, but Tivon did have a growth spurt that had mom feeding him for almost 3 hours straight one night!
The Lees Come to Clemson . . .
only to get back on the road and travel an hour and a half to an apple orchard. You see, I had this brilliant idea to go to this Apple Orchard/Pumpkin Patch with the cousins. I thought there would be ample photo opps for sure. Well, after the Lees arrived at 1:30 am, they graciously got up and drove to the orchard. I thought it was only going to be 45 minutes away; however, it turned out to be an hour and a half. Apparently, not far from where they had considered stopping for the night just 12 hours earlier. Alas we did get some good pics. BTW, the apple cider was only served on the weekends and the pumpkin patch was nonexistant. But hey, look at the beautiful view of the mountains.