Happily Ever After. . .
The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!
Friday, September 28, 2007

Wild Ride in Texas
Tivon and I ventured to Texas to visit friends and he was pleasantly surprised by all the toys! This riding toy was by far his favorite, but don't get any ideas. We have absolutely NO ROOM for any toys of this nature in our apartment. :)
Here's the link to watch him ride--Aunt Nini makes a guest appearance as well:
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Weekend Getaway
As if there isn't enough for us to do in NYC, we decided to getaway for the weekend. It was a trip down nostalgia lane for me. We went to Fire Island where my family use to vacation when I was young. The island really is idyllic and picturesque. No cars, just bikes. No streets, just boardwalks. The ocean on one side of the island and the bay on the other. The entire island is only about 30 miles long and less than a mile wide.
Here's where we stayed: Pelican's Roost (every house has a name). We got it on a last minute deal on Craigslist. Boy, do I love the internet.
Josh and I took turns watching Tivon on the beach so that we could play in the ocean. This is how Josh watches Tivon:

And here we are on our way home, waiting for the Ferry to take us back to our island home: Manhattan.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
What is a summer without bike riding? Ti guy may be a little small to get those peddles going himself but he's the perfect size to go along for a ride.
Again, I'm not sure if Josh or Ti enjoyed this more. We rode down to 10th st our first adventure (about 100 blocks each way). Since then, we have ridden around central park--stopping at the merry-go-round and park--and a county fair on pier 72 and of course, many other parks. I'm pretty sure by the end of fall, we're going to be able to give you the skinny on every park in manhattan!
Fun in the sun!
Tivon, Josh and I set out for an adventure a few weekends ago--we went to the infamous Coney Island. Although it took us over 1.5 hours to get there via the subway (under construction), it was well worth the travel.
Josh LOVED it. I'm pretty sure that we will need to settle (if that ever happens) somewhere near the ocean. He is truly a water baby. Tivon on the other hand is still trying to figure it all out. He had a great time but was definitely tentative. He and I built sandcastles, well, mostly destroyed other people's sandcastles.
Then we walked down the boardwalk and of course had coney dogs! They were delectable. Tivon had a plain hotdog (dairy in the batter) but enjoyed it just the same.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tivon could be the poster child for chili and beans. We were all laughing pretty hard--I had no idea he could get THIS messy. But you know, he's full of surprises. He even started waving to the waitress and customers because he KNEW he was cute. Oh brother, I think we might have a ham on our hands. . . I wonder where he gets that?
For mom's 60th birthday, all the kids surprised her and came to visit for the weekend. We can rarely all get together because we live so far away so this was very special for mom. There was a lot of coordination and outright lying that had to happen.
We then had a surprise party for her with coworkers, classmates, family and friends. What a fun time!
Here is a picture of the siblings with our kids. And an attempted picture of all the cousins--not sure what Tivon and Natalie are doing.

Sunday, September 02, 2007
How can it be?!? Our little monkey is walking. For a firsthand viewing, click on the video below.