Happily Ever After. . .
The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Get out the address book!
Yep, it's that time again. You knew it wouldn't take long. Please oh please tell me that you put our address in pencil or are you one of those that have all together given up and just call us when you need our address? :) Our destination is Austin but address is tbd.
TIvon wanted to make sure that he was going with us so he packed himself. Don't worry, horse is smashed underneath him!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
It's no secret that I'm horrible at waiting. I think it is appropriate to pass this endearing trait on to Tivon. He received a Valentine's card in the mail from Grandma and Papaw Lee today so we HAD to open it.
He got a monkey card (perfect since we just learned the "oo, oo, ah, ah" sound) and horse stickers. Tivon had to put his stickers on his face and then horse needed a sticker and then bear needed a sticker. All the while thinking this is hilarious! The only way to stop the sticker madness was to put him down for a nap. So now he's sleeping with stickers and his menagerie of furry friends.
Ok, I admit it. I've never intentionally watched a giants' game until the super bowl but what a game. Although we knew they would be victorious. You see, Josh and I have this affect on the teams in our home state. The luck follows our moves across the US: Northwestern football team goes to Rose Bowl, Chicago Bulls pull off a 6-peat, Astros were division champs, U of M goes to Rose Bowl, UT wins National Championship, Clemson women's soccer were in final 8, and now this. I mean, it's just embarassing that we have that much influence. So we decided to pay homage and go to the ticker tape parade in lower manhattan today. This is a picture of ground level--a little too crowded for our tastes.
The picture below is to prove that Josh really was there. Tivon looks silly because I was trying to get him to look at the camera by putting his horse by it. I guess he's looking that way but clearly has no intention of smiling until he has horse in hand again.
Busy, busy boy
He is truly a toddler. Tivon tries to open drawers, doors, chairs, anything with a hole with his keys. Ironically, I actually showed him a padlock and key and he wasn't interested. That's my boy--all about the journey and the process. He's becoming quite the mischevious boy too. He hides in closets, the bathroom, his tent, or the kitchen (all 10 sq ft of it!). Fortunately our apartment is only 370 sq ft--his proclivity for hiding may be a problem if we ever leave our miniscule abode.
He also likes to close his eyes and pretend like he can't see me--even though he walks directly toward me. :) It's worth watching the video--definitely brings a smile to the face (although I may be a bit biased).
Tivon loves to dress up--boas/scarves, momma or dada's shoes, his bike helmet and of course bunny ears. We watch a video that has a bunny rabbit in it and he likes to wear his ears while he watches it. Pretty funny. BTW, grandma Lee is responsible for the PINK ears.
Tivon is now officially attached to his horse. He feeds him and even lets him talk on his cell phone. This was a first though--now horse needs to dress up too. The other day, ti was upset because horse didn't have a coat or shoes to go outside. My oh my, this boy's imagination . . .