Happily Ever After. . .

The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!

Wednesday, September 25, 2002

So, Josh and I have been running pretty regularly-about 3 miles or so. I really like it. I can run and run and then be done with my exercise for the day in a matter of 30 minutes. It's ideal for our busy lifestyle.

We had a crazy busy weekend: football game, attending a play, church, attending a concert, eating out--we did a lot. Well, I had "saved" quite a bit of homework for Monday which is usually no big deal. I ahve the whole day off. No class. Just work, meetings, and homework. I love Mondays. I always feel so productive. Except last Monday.

Josh adn I got up a little groggy and a little later than anticipated. (I'm sure the alarm was broken) Anyway, we went on our morning run. Well, actually it ended up being a fast-paced walk because Josh's shins were hurting him. We made the long trek back up our stairs to our condo. I had the dog in tow. She was a good girl and had just gone potty, by the way. I'm at the fron tdoor and I turn the knob. And it stops. The knob isn't turning. It hits me. Our rommmate has locked the door as she dashed out for her morning classes. What to do?

So we go around to the back of our condo. Josh shimmeys up the balconey to the second floor (a bit scarey, how easy it was for him) and we pray that the door is unlocked. No such luck. So I leave Josh there to pic the lock. I set out for Lara's about a mile and a half away with the dog.

I arrive, sweaty and stinky at Lara's. She lets me in. The dogs are playing like crazy and I try to call Whitney. Her cell phone is off. So I pass the time by watching the John Walsh show and thinking about all the work I needed to be doing. Finally, an hour goes by and WHitney should be out of class by now. Still no answer at her phone. Ugh.

I decide to go back home and Josh and I make the bus trip to campus. Remember that we are disgusting and stinky. Fortunately, Lara agress to babysit Shalosh.

We get to campus and walk around aimlessly hoping to find Whitney. I know where her studio is and we go there. They point us in an obscure direction to find her. After about 10 minutes of questioning and wrong directrions, we find her. She has no clue why we are there. So, do you have keys to our house? A look of sheer sorrow came on her face. At that moment she realized what she had done. After apologizing a million times, we took her keys with us and went home to get to work.

That night Josh had IM football adn I went over to study at Lara's. About 10 in the evening, Whitney shows up at Lara's. Huh, I wonder why she's here? She says, so do you ahve any keys to our house? OH MY !!! We had locked her out! Oh the irony.

Who's the doggy in the mirror? Who's the doggy? Is that SHalosh? Say hello! Shal-osh! Hello, SHalosh.

Oh yes, this mumbling occurred in my bedroom just last week. Here's the set up. We have a huge mirror that hangs at the head of our bed. I was not feeling well. Josh just left for class. I of course invite Shalosh up into bed with me to comfort my aching body. She lays there for a bit, and then gets bored. (We're pretty sure she's ADHD--emphasis on the Hyper) So, she's sitting up in bed, I'm petting her, and she's panting heavily. All of the sudden she stops. I glance her way to see what object she has mistaken for a squirrel, but wait. . .She's looking in the mirror. DId you read that? She's looking at herself in the mirror. THis has never happened before. I've been told that all dogs do this, but apparently our dog is a little too distracted (stupid) to notice a mirror. At first she just stares, then she starts panting again. Then she darts back and forth as if trying to "play" with the dog in the mirror. Then she sniffs the mirror. All along I am amazed, laughing and feeling a proud mother moment. My baby just saw herself in the mirror! So yes, I join in the game. I start in with the dialogue. (Who am I kidding, the MONOlogue). Do you see a doggy? Who's the doggy? Where's Shalosh? I try to show SHalosh me petting her and help her make that connection. I try to explain to her that she is seeing herself. At this point, I need to remind you (and myself) that SHalosh is my dog. Then I proceed to call Josh on his cell and tell him what his daughter has just learned. I was teary. Oh my, how embarassing. Just imagine when my baby looks in a mirror. Our mirrors will be covered with doggy licks by then.

Sunday, September 08, 2002

So on Saturday morning, we had a downpour here. The kind that puts you to sleep but wakes you up just the same. That morning, Josh got up early (meaning 7:30) to go to school for a field trip to Dallas Kimball Art Museum. I was awakened by the slam of our bedroom door. I think our air conditioner likes to whoosh our door closed at very inopportune times. Anyway, I awoke with a jolt and noticed Josh not in bed. I got up, heard the rain, and walked to our living room. There was Josh with his bike helmet on and Whitney "sleepwalking" through the kitchen. Later I found out that she was checking her cushions for wetness on the porch. Well, Josh had decided that he was going to ride his bike to school (about 5 miles) in the torrential downpour. I offerred to drive him. He said, "oh no, it's not raining hard. I'll be fine." Fortunately, he stepped out on the balconey and understand the error of his ways. So I diverted another accident happening by taking him to school. On my way home, I decided to take advantage of the lone time and go grocery shopping. Joy of joys. With groceries in tow, I walked into our apartment. There was Whitney, a little less sleepy. She left and I put away the groceries. Then at some point I looked at the clock and thought, "huh, 10:39 seems like an important time today." OOH MY!!! I totally forgot that I was teaching Rosh Hashanah services at a synagogue at 11. I quickly got on the internet to print out directions, printed out the lesson plan, ripped off my clothes and put on appropriate attire, and slammed Shalosh into her cage and I was off. All the way there, i was praying and going over the story and the lesson plans. Whew! It was easy to get to and my friend was waiting for me in the lobby. All was well. The services went well and I got to hear the best dang shofar player I've ever heard!

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

So here we go on our new misadventure into the wide world of technology. We're going to try to keep this updated once a week with something funny, ridiculous or even poignant that happens to us. Stay tuned.