Happily Ever After. . .

The misadventures of two people who get to learn things the hard way but love it!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The curse continues . . .
Apparently Busta, Jr. was an appropriate nickname. On Friday night, I was driving us to go shopping in Greenville. I slowed down as a car in front of me was turning. And you guessed it, we were hit by a car from behind. I mean, seriously. We've had 6 wrecks for the 6 years we've had the car. What are the odds?
As far as the damages, our car's bumper needs to be replaced and something is wrong with the gas line. The car just turns off while driving it. Josh and I have had some back pain and headaches. I also woke up with vertigo--very freaky feeling, but that seems to be gone now. Tivon seems fine but we're keeping a close eye on him.

Anyone want a really nice Saturn L300? I know where you can get one for a great price . . .

Out and About

It's time for everyone to hit the road and get back into shape. At one point we got tired and tied Shalosh to the stroller and had her take over. She was a little directionally challenged but never lacked the enery to pull the stroller. Generally, Ti likes our runs but occasionally he starts screaming for no reason at all. Usually I end up carrying him home. I guess that helps build up the arm strength!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Shalosh was feeling a little neglected so I thought I would have a post about our little dog child. She has adapted to the family change very well by taking up leisurely reading. She has however stopeed sleeping in our bedroom--apparently she doesn't like to be disturbed during her beauty rest. She always lets us know when Tivon is crying by coming to get us. She really has taken him in as a little brother. We can't wait until the days that we can dress up Tivon and pose him for pictures to be used for graduations, weddings and any other large gathering where we can laugh at him.

Watch where you aim that thing!

So currently the score is 3 to 1. Josh has been peed on 3 times (in one change) and I have been peed on only once although I was also the recipient of some projectile number 2. I'm not sure how that gets figured in to the scoring. We may have to revamp the system.

Tivon is one month old! I would say it has gone by quickly but alas, the sleepless nights do not go by that fast. I may have started a count down until he is one year old (I hear he may sleep through the night by then!) Seriously, we are enjoying little Ti and his wide eyes. He is fascinated with the mobile over his bed. His favorite things are to eat, listen to books and dance to music. Okay, he doesn't do the dancing but dad and mom are trying to teach him some moves so that he will be able to woo the ladies. If you have seen Josh cut a rug, you know the likelyhood of this happening. Let's just say, I didn't see Josh on the dance floor until after I had fallen in love with him.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Uncle Bill and Aunt Christie drove all the way from Florida to visit their nephew. We all had a great weekend--eating out, relaxing and going to the lake. Josh and Bill even went on a 12 mile bike ride. I think Josh may be getting too much sleep! I might have to give him night duty.

Bill and Christie brought their dog child Sierra (right) to play with our neglected dog child Shalosh (left). They might have actually worn each other out. Here they are taking a needed time out.